Going Beyond Medical Marketing

Archive for March 15, 2012

How do I tell them? What do I say to my Child with a Brain Tumor?

How do I tell them? What do I say to my Child with a Brain Tumor?

by American Brain Tumor Association

These samples explanations can be adapted for conversations with children.

“The doctor wants to do test to find out why I am getting sick to my stomach and having headaches….”or “The doctor wants to do some tests to find out why you are having headaches.”

“A neurosurgeon is a doctor that knows a lot about the brain”

An MRI scan takes a picture of the brain, but it cannot see what you are thinking.”

“A brain tumor is a lump in that brain that doesn’t belong there. The doctor is going to operate and take it out. The operation will help get rid of the headaches.”

“A brain tumor is a collection of abnormal “cells” in the brain which are growing out of control. These cells were originally normal brain cells, but something inside of them changed. For no good reason, they started to divide and make more of themselves. This growing collection of abnormal cells is called a tumor.”

“With a tumor in there, the computer center of my brain can’t work the way it is suppose to. That’s why I have headaches and seizures.”

“No one knows for sure what causes a brain tumor. They just happen. But we do know that nothing you did, or thought or said caused this tumor. Nothing you ever wished made this happen. We also know that you don’t catch brain tumors from other people.”

“Would you like to talk about this? Is there anything that you would like to ask?”

Above all, reassure your children they are loved and will be well taken care of.

For additional suggestions and explanations that children can understand, please visit the ABTA web site at www.abta.org, and click “Kids.”

From: Living with a Brain Tumor, A Guide for Newly Diagnosed Patients and Their Families
